Geometrical Effects of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for Military Applications

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C. Iroegbu
O. I. Okoro


 In this research, geometrical analysis of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for military applications is presented. The prime effort is to find the presence of complex and arbitrary objects by monostatic radar. We performed MATLAB simulations to obtain the RCS signatures in order to classify the objects of the targets. The signatures are observed in MATLAB for further development to find accurate RCS. The results gotten shows that Ellipse, Cylindrical and Circular shaped objects have their RCS hotspot values at 90°, and the backscattered RCS for a perfectly conducting sphere is constant in the optical region. Also between 19° and 180° aspect angles, the RCS in dB(m2) of both frustum and triangular shaped objects falls drastically, while for rectangular shaped objects, the more the aspect angles increases, the more the vertical/horizontal polarizations becomes far apart. Furthermore, we saw that the behaviour of the RCS of a complex object depends on the individual behaviour of each RCS of the arbitrary objects that formed the complex object. Based on the results gotten from the simulations, we conclude that computer simulation can serve as a veritable tool in determining the RCS of objects with different geometrical forms. The results can also serve as platform for military intelligence gathering in areas of target detection and monitory.  Further studies are suggested for the RCS of objects revolving in their own axis with a to-and-fro motion from the radar to be considered by future researchers.

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Author Biographies

C. Iroegbu, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering,

Michael Okpara University  of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

O. I. Okoro, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike

Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering,

Michael Okpara University  of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.


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